20 thoughts on “image2.jpg

  1. Chameleons blend into their surroundings making it harder to be seen so it may sneak up on prey. It has a long tounge that is also fast which allows it to reach far away prey quickly.

  2. They have a camouflaging agent that allows them to blend into their surroundings making it easy for them to hide from danger. They also have a long tongue which allows them to kill certain prey easily such as insects.

  3. Chameleons are most know for blending into their surroundings making it hard for prey and predictor to spot them. They also have a long, thick, sticky tounge that allows them to catch their prey.

  4. Camouflage helps it blend into it’s surroundings making it harder to be seen

  5. Some characteristics that help the chameleon hunt are there long tongues that allow them tone able to reach prey that are far away. Also they can blend into their surroundings that make it more challenging for the prey to see them.

  6. The chameleon has a long tongue which helps them hunt their prey. Also, they can camoflague in with their surroundings.

  7. They have really long tongues so hey have reach. And they have the ability to change color to there surrounding like camouflage

  8. Chameleons are known for blending into their surrounding maki g it hard for prey to see them.

  9. A chameleon is most known for its ability to blend into its surroundings. Their tongues, similar to frogs, capture prey from long distances

  10. They have camouflage, they have long tongues, and tails for balance. They have eyes placed so that they have a bigger field of view.

  11. Chameleons have extra long tongues to reach prey quickly. They also can blend in their surroundings to hide and sneak up on prey.

  12. Chameleons are able to blend into their surroundings making it difficult for a predator to see them. They have large eyes making it easier to see their prey, and a long sticky tounge used to capture its prey.

  13. The chameleon has a long sticky tongue that helps them catch prey easily from a distance. It also can blend into its surroundings to hide from its prey and predators.

  14. The chameleon has a long tongue that helps them catch their prey from a long distance. They also have the ability to blend in with its surroundings making it very easy to hide from its prey and predators.

  15. Camouflage
    Independent eye movement
    Elongated tongue
    Hook fingers
    Sticky tongue

  16. Chameleons have the ability to camouflage themselves so that they blend into their surroundings, which makes it harder to be seen by predators. They have long sticky tongues that make it easier to catch prey. They have hooked fingers, which allow them to grab on to their prey and things like trees.

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