“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”–John Muir (naturalist, and founder of the Sierra Club)


Explain what you think Muir meant by this quote.  To what extent are humans “hitched to everything else”?

13 thoughts on ““When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”–John Muir (naturalist, and founder of the Sierra Club)

  1. He means that everything is connected in one way or another, nothing is found alone with no relation to anything else.

  2. John Muir meant when he said humans are “hitched to everything else” that humans are interconnect with everything, and they affect everything around them.

  3. Everything effects one another and causes reactions because of those relationships.

  4. Everything in the universe is connected like the 4 spheres we just talked about last unit. Humans effecct everything. We cause the release of co2 more than anything causing the destruction of the universe.

  5. He means that everything is attached to something else. Everything is interconnected in one way or another.

  6. Nothing is found by themselves and everything is connected to something.

  7. I think what this quote means is that everything can connect to anything in one way or another.

  8. Every human action impacts everything around it and the future. You can’t find any one thing without something else

  9. its basically saying everything is linked to one another in some way.

  10. He is saying that no matter what there is always something connected to something else

  11. This comment is linked to the food web. If you take one species out of the food web the rest is sure to come down with it.

  12. It’s fixed on the point that we all live off eachother and if you take out one little thing it will create the snowball effect until it effects even the bigger things.

  13. I think that the quote shows the dependency of everything on earth to something else on earth. Without one thing, another thing could not survive, and it leads to even the tiniest, most minuscule things that you wouldn’t think are really needed.

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